Category Beef

The Meat & Wine Co. sure knows how you like your steak.

How much is too much to pay for a meal in your city? I’m talking a good meal out, breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner, it doesn’t matter. You just tell me how much you’d pay on it. If you don’t live in Sydney, to put it in universal terms, I live in a swanky ‘inner […]

The Gourmet Pommies’ Tramsheds Takeover

Well this is a little awkward! You must’ve assumed I’d converted to the world of ex-food-blogger-Instagram-poster by now. Fret not, friends, I’m still alive and kicking. Shhh, it’s a figure of speech. I’m here to revive your appetite for my outlandish way of writing about food. And you, you’re going to inspire me to keep […]

Burgers Anonymous

You know those nights when it’s 11.27pm and you know that if you stay awake beyond half past, you will NOT be waking up to your 6.30am alarm the next morning? That is life for me. Each and every single working day, I will promise my body it will get its much-needed rest. And then […]

Meat and Cheese and Pickles and Bun.

There aren’t a great deal of things I’d be happy doing day in, day out with this little life I’ve been given. There aren’t a million and one things I feel I simply must do before I’m 86 (the average life expectancy of an Australian woman). My hobbies aren’t brimming with thoughts of adventurous sports […]

Lost in Translation

You know you’re special humans when you and the birthday girl catch an uber to a venue she booked and end up in a restaurant on the SAME street with the exact SAME name of the place you are meant to be at. I mean come ooooon. The Masuya I’m talking about is the one […]

Food Bloggers (Know How to Cook!)

Texting has become the new dialogue. I text waaaay more than I converse with people face to face as the modern world beckons for it. Don’t text back fast enough and we start to think you’re being a total anti-socialite. Ah the irony. So a pal and I were texting about what I thought of […]

The Lord Gladstone Hotel

Have I ever mentioned I absolutely despise food ‘trends’ (this you might know..) and will do anything in my power to avoid succumbing to them? I got into macarons six months too late, a freak shake is bloody beautiful to look at but would be a nightmare to eat and no thanks, I’m not forking […]

So Frenchy So Fine: Guillaume

When you work in retail – no matter where or what you’re selling – you come across quite a few of the human variety. Colleagues are always coming and going. The words ‘I won’t be here for long’ get ushered around often. Customers are running in and out of your store and yes, there are […]

Melbourne: Sunny Side Up

The first time I went southbound to Melbourne was in the depths of wintery gloom last July. This year was a completely different story. It seemed a miracle that for two whole days, the city was crisp but radiating sunshine. A week before, I surprised a friend by mentioning an unplanned visit I wanted to […]

Where’s the lazy Suzan at?

No matter how much cash, spare time, friends and acquaintances you have to rekindle with, you can NEVER completely keep up with Sydney’s ever-evolving food scene. Try to, I dare you. You’ll be eating peanut butter and bacon burgers with rose-infused milkshakes for brekkie, izakaya-style grilled meat with sake for lunch, squid ink-tinted ravioli with […]