Category Asian


The title says it all y’all. Japan and Kit Kats are a matcha (MAMA! I DID A PUN!) made in heaven. You guys know I’m Japan-cray so a friend who went recently got me a TONNE of them and it’s been like 3 months and I still jump around like a little kid when I […]

I Cho Cho San You

Hello lovely humans. Welcome to my space of the interwebs I’m too lazy to post regularly on. That’s the one sentence I feel that all bloggers – no matter how many followers, posts per week or motivation to write on a constant basis – should let their readers know. Of course, there’s also overdoing it. […]

Taste of Sydney 2016

So it’s been two months since I’ve figured out I have IBS. I feel as if I am listening to my body and its needs far better than I ever have before. It’s not amazing going through this ordeal but I have this feeling that it’s not a forever thing. Positives I can think of […]

Lost in Translation

You know you’re special humans when you and the birthday girl catch an uber to a venue she booked and end up in a restaurant on the SAME street with the exact SAME name of the place you are meant to be at. I mean come ooooon. The Masuya I’m talking about is the one […]

Food Bloggers (Know How to Cook!)

Texting has become the new dialogue. I text waaaay more than I converse with people face to face as the modern world beckons for it. Don’t text back fast enough and we start to think you’re being a total anti-socialite. Ah the irony. So a pal and I were texting about what I thought of […]

Yayoi: Take Two

As you know, Japanese food is my religion. No wait, chocolate is. But so is Japanese food okay?! On my first trip to the glorious Yayoi a walk away from Circular Quay, I fell for its simplistic, clean decor, the theatre of the way delicate food is brought to your table and that dream-inducing rice […]

The Curse of the Birthday 

Do you know of the birthday curse? No? Let me fill you in. This ominous curse, usually attached to oneself from birth, refers to the unfortunate events that occur to some that would NEVER happen on any other day but one’s day of birth. I have this curse and aside from one or two birthday […]

On Being Clueless and Defining Me

Early this week, I went out for (what we thought would be) ice skating with a few colleagues from work. We got to Darling Harbour, taking in the wintery art installations and bright lights. Alas, we had missed the last session so moved onto the late-night shopping centre to get some food. It’s always interesting […]

Torrential Downpours and Vegan Love

I love a good surprise. Unplanned things, adventures into the unknown. I live for spontaneity. Because why? It’s such a content-filled life when you’re not planning everything meticulously and living for to-do lists. I used to freak out when I didn’t remember what I did yesterday but now I embrace it. You ask why again? […]

Taste of Sydney 2015

Things aren’t always too good to be true. Things become too good to be true. Taste of Sydney is still one of my fave food-focused events but it’s nowhere near as awe-inspiring as it was 5 years ago. Here’s my take on the happenings of the festival this year. As a curious food-obsessive should, I had to […]